February 1, 2017
Email detection is one of the most importand applications of Natural Language Processing. The common ways are Hand-coded rules which is quite complicated in processing with low recall rate and supervised learning which includes Naïve Bayes、Logistic regression、Support-vector machines、k-Nearest Neighbors, etc. Here I will use the Naïve Bayes Classifier since it is more straightforward and simpler than other algorithms.
Our training data are emails in the SPAM_trainig folder with the file name like ‘HAM.02281.txt’ representing ham email and ‘SPAM.02281.txt’ representing spam email.
import nltk
import pickle
import math
import re
from collections import Counter
ham stores all true emails with the file name like HAM.0123.txt while spam stores all spam emails with the file name like SPAM.0234.txt
ham = nltk.corpus.PlaintextCorpusReader('/Users/Aslan/winter 2017/Lin127/hw2,3/SPAM_training', 'HAM.*.txt')
spam = nltk.corpus.PlaintextCorpusReader('/Users/Aslan/winter 2017/Lin127/hw2,3/SPAM_training', 'SPAM.*.txt')
There are 13545 ham emails and 4912 spam emails in our training dataset.
# number of files in each class
ham_count = len(ham.fileids())
spam_count = len(spam.fileids())
# total number of tokens in each class
ham_tokens = ham.words()
spam_tokens = spam.words()
print(ham_count, spam_count)
13545 4912
def get_freq_df(words):
'''Build a nltk frequency table for the token types in each class
words(nltk object): a list of tokens
dist_words(nltk FreqDist): frequency table
dist_words = nltk.FreqDist(words)
return dist_words
def solver(spam, ham, spam_count, ham_count):
'''build the solver model
spam(nltk object): a list of tokens in spam
ham(nltk object): a list of tokens in ham
a dict with two data frames and two counts for each class
df_spam = get_freq_df(spam)
df_ham = get_freq_df(ham)
return {'spam_fd': df_spam, 'ham_fd': df_ham,
'spam_count': spam_count, 'ham_count': ham_count}
solver_NB = solver(spam_tokens, ham_tokens, spam_count, ham_count)
with open('spam.nb', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(solver_NB, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open('spam.nb', 'rb') as f:
model = pickle.load(f)
log_prior_spam/ham represents the prior logrithm probability of spam/ham class. we can see that there are, in total, 1284301 tokens in spam training data and 4903935 in ham data.
log_prior_spam = math.log(model['spam_count']/(model['spam_count'] + model['ham_count']))
log_prior_ham = math.log(model['ham_count']/(model['spam_count'] + model['ham_count']))
spam_n = model['spam_fd'].N()
ham_n = model['ham_fd'].N()
print(spam_n, ham_n)
1284301 4903935
The add-one-smoothing is one of the methods to fix the new word problem. When there are new words which can be found only from one of our training class(spam or ham) in the text files, the posterior probablity could be zero since \(P(new|c) = 0\) for the class that does not include that new word. We don’t want our classifier be disturbed by these new words and that is why we should implement this modification here.
To be more detailed: $$P(token|c) = \frac{(number\ of\ the\ given\ token\ in\ class\ c) +1}{(token\ size\ of\ class\ c) + (vocabulary\ size)}$$ where the vocabulary size is the total number of token type in the union of spam and ham training set
However, add-one-smoothing can’t fix the scenario where the new word doesn’t show in any traning class. In that case, I just simply omit that word.
# Build the vacabulary set on the union of spam and ham training set.
vocabulary = set(list(model['ham_fd'].keys()) + list(model['spam_fd'].keys()))
vocal_size = len(vocabulary)
spam_log_likelihood = {} # initialize the conditional probablity
ham_log_likelihood = {}
# add-one-smoothing
for token in vocabulary:
spam_log_likelihood[token] = math.log((model['spam_fd'][token] + 1) / (spam_n + vocal_size))
ham_log_likelihood[token] = math.log((model['ham_fd'][token] + 1) / (ham_n + vocal_size))
def spam_detection(file, ham_log_likelihood, spam_log_likelihood,
log_prior_spam, log_prior_ham, vocabulary):
''' classify the given file as a binary outcome(spam or ham)
file: file name(eg.'test.0123.txt')
ham(spam)_log_likelihood: likelihood table after taking add-one-smoothing and logrithm
log_prior_spam(ham): prior probability in log type
vocabulary: token types in the union of spam and ham training dataset.
print file name with 'SPAM' or 'HAM'
token_ls = dev.words(fileids=file)
log_posterior_spam = log_prior_spam
log_posterior_ham = log_prior_ham
for token in token_ls:
if not token in vocabulary:
log_posterior_spam += spam_log_likelihood[token]
log_posterior_ham += ham_log_likelihood[token]
if log_posterior_spam > log_posterior_ham:
print(file, 'SPAM')
print(file, 'HAM')
I wrote the code above in a more decent way in a script file called nbtest.py and run the shell command:
python3 nbtest.py > SPAM_dev_predictions.txt
Then we load the result into variable dev by nltk
dev = nltk.corpus.PlaintextCorpusReader('/Users/Aslan/winter 2017/Lin127/hw2,3/', 'SPAM_dev_predictions.txt')
file_ls = dev.raw().strip().split('\n')
confusion = [re.search(r'(HAM|SPAM)\..*(HAM|SPAM)', i).group(1) + ' ' +
re.search(r'(HAM|SPAM)\..*(HAM|SPAM)', i).group(2)
for i in file_ls]
['HAM.00039.txt HAM',
'HAM.00045.txt HAM',
'HAM.00064.txt HAM',
'HAM.00091.txt HAM',
'HAM.00098.txt HAM',
'HAM.00137.txt HAM',
'HAM.00143.txt HAM',
'HAM.00146.txt HAM',
'HAM.00153.txt HAM',
'HAM.00205.txt HAM']
Counter({'HAM HAM': 986, 'HAM SPAM': 14, 'SPAM HAM': 14, 'SPAM SPAM': 349})
Our test set has 1000 ham and 363 spam Therefore:
\(recall(HAM) = \frac{986}{1000} = 98.6\% \)
\(recall(SPAM) = \frac{349}{363} = 96.1\% \)
\(precision(HAM) = \frac{986}{986+14} = 98.6\% \)
\(precision(SPAM) = \frac{349}{349+14} = 96.1\% \)
where \(t_1,…,t_n\) are tokens in the given text. P(c) is the prior probability, \(P(t_1,t_2,…,t_n|c\) is the conditional probability, namely likelihood and P(c|d) is the posterior probability.
The recall and precision for both class are pretty high which indicate that my classifier is powerful enough.
Try other smoothing methods
Find a way to deal with the new words problem which I omitted this time